Some Ideas

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  Here's where I try to inspire you into bashing away on that keyboard :) 
1) A script to make updating your WWW page simple, should be easy. 
   After you've logged on to your site via OpusFTP, open a lister with your 
   local WWW page directory structure and run the script. 
 a. Get all the file entries in the local lister with  lister query files . 
 b. Do a  lister query entry  on the ftp lister. 
 c. If it doesn't exist, copy it. 
 d. If the creation date is earlier than the local version, copy over it. 
 e. After you've done the files, then get the list of directories and check 
    their creation dates. 
 f. If the dates are earlier, change path to the directory in both listers 
    and go to step a. (Recursion) 
 g. When you've finished that directory, restore to the initial path and do 
    the next. 
  I'll watch for it on Aminet ;-) 
  Of course you could just use the options for the internal Copy command, but 
that's so boring :^) 
2) We need more games in listers, Opus is much too serious.  I've done one, 
   but I want to see OpusInvaders in a lister. 
3) Archive handler for ZIP, TAR, GZIP and other archives.  (Beat me to it, 
   please :) 
4) Link it into your home automation, get it to boil that egg. 
  Use your imagination, I'm sure there's always been something you wanted 
Opus to do or do differently.  Opus is the most configurable program that's 
been written on the Amiga, how it works and what it does is all up to you. 
                             USE THE FORCE!  

DOpus PLUS - giving you that bit extra...